Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works

3 min readJun 2, 2022


Imagine you put months and efforts in composing or making a musical piece and the same has been basked in the success of glory. You came to know that the song has been used by the neighboring country without any authorized permission from the owner. If this was the case case in the year 1885 then it would be legally acceptable and the owner cannot do anything in this because there was no unified laws at that time, but in today’s das due to Berne convention o country or party can use the artistic or literary work of the artist without the authorized permission or license from the owner.

The Berne Convention basically provides protection to the owners in each member country the rights that its own laws rat on its citizens.

What is the Berne Convention?

The Berne Convention is an international agreement that was signed between the countries in the year 1886 and was adopted by 8 countries including the UK. The agreement was first signed in Switzerland and today more than 177 countries are part of it across the world. The basic focus of the Berne convention is to extend the scope of security of the artists and authors’ creations beyond the territories of their native lands. If you are an Indian And publishes your book in the UK then according to the Berne Convention your book will be protected under the Berne Convention in UK as well.

What Type of Copyright Protection Does it Offer?

The Berne Convention has defined a minimal protection period of 50 times after the demise of the author for all palpable workshops. The only exception to the protection term is for the workshop of photography and cinematography. In this case, the minimal protection period for a snap is 25 times from the time the picture was clicked and for cinematography, 50 times from the date of creation or publication.

The convention ensures that the rights of these creative individualities remain complete with them. Berne Convention also assures artists and authors of licit inflexibility to exercise control over their masterwork in terms of conforming, propagating, and reproducing it. piecemeal from laying the foundation for a unified and unprejudiced approach to feting the brand of workshop from other countries, the transnational enactment expects its glutinous countries to also deliver a set of minimal norms and to seek special vittles when it comes to administering brand laws.

Fundamental Principles of Berne Convention

The first and foremost fundamental principle in the Berne convention is to provide equitable status of the protection of artistic and literary work which comes from a contracting country in all the member countries.

It is to be noted that there is not another copyright application or anything to be made for the protection of literary and artistic work under the Berne convention. However it is always advisable to get your copyright registered for the protection of infringement purposes and its registration would bring distinct advantages to the owner.

The final principle of the convention guarantees protection to cultural and erudite workshops and is independent of the protection terms in the country where the work began, with limited exceptions.


Wondering when is the right time to discuss your copyright requirements for protection of literary or artistic work? Reach out to our experts at BIAT legal who are well versed in diverse disciplines to handle and hold you through the intricacies of copyrights. Our Intellectual property experts will assist you to the entire process and its registration in India and abroad.




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